Questo sito è dedicato ad ORALIFT, Facial Rejuvenation, lo straordinario metodo di ringiovanimento facciale senza chirurgia, ideato dal Dr. Nick Mohindra. Anche in Italia è possibile essere sottoposti al trattamento con ORALIFT, sia a Roma, sia in altre città. ORALIFT, consente un ringiovanimento facciale stabile e soprattutto senza chirurgia.
Qui troverete una piccola rassegna di notizie e foto prese in rete, e casi clinici trattati con ORALIFT, dal Dr. Mohindra a Londra e da me a Roma . Per qualsiasi spiegazione il mio contatto e-mail è:


Vivere in Armonia significa vivere in Salute. Cercare di avere un aspetto armonioso senza ricorrere al bisturi, o ad altre metodiche invasive è possibile. Sfruttare le capacità di autoguarigione per rallentare il processo di invecchiamento. In tal senso agisce ORALIFT, un metodo creato a Londra dal Dr. Nick Mohindra ed esportato in tutto il mondo, infatti è possibile sottoporsi al trattamento di ringiovanimento ed anti aging facciale ORALIFT anche a Roma,
Dr. Massimo Malara

giovedì 7 gennaio 2010

Su facial Care si parla ancora di oralift

ADD Dentalfacelift is a real alternative to surgical facelifts
Posted by admin on 7/14/09 • Categorized as Added Dimension Dentures

“80% of patients treated with the ADD Dental Facelift looked between 5 and 20 years younger”
British Dental Journal

With time the lower facial height (the area between the nose and chin) decreases due to the loss of teeth and/or the wearing down of teeth. Dr. Mohindra discovered that this is one of the key factors in facial aging. You have only to think an elderly person who has lost their teeth to see the difference this can make. Missing and ground down teeth result in the sucked in and collapsed appearance around the mouth which causes vertical lines on the upper and lowers lips and all around the mouth. The effects don’t stop there. Because the tension on the skin of the face has been slackened the whole face is effected

Dental Facelift works by re-building and replacing missing and worn teeth. This builds the muscles in the face back up and tightens the skin.

Facial ageing is regarded as the gravity assisted downward migration of the soft tissues of the face. Nowadays we believe this is not the only reason. Bones of the face also change, which causes flattening of the cheek bones exacerbating this downward movement of the soft tissues.

Cosmetic surgeons think of the face in terms of a triangle. In youth the base of the triangle is at the cheeks and the point is at the chin. As we get older the triangle reverses. The formation of the jowls means that the base of the triangle is now at the chin and the tip goes upwards towards the nose.

Up until now surgery was the only answer to reverse the triangle. But after a short time the soft tissues would sag again. Now there is another answer – the ADD Dentalfacelift . This can reverse the triangle and because this procedure is truly anti aging the ageing process gets put into reverse gear. As we get older, the face keeps on improving. (See the long term effects). The pictures below show this reversal of the triangle.

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