Questo sito è dedicato ad ORALIFT, Facial Rejuvenation, lo straordinario metodo di ringiovanimento facciale senza chirurgia, ideato dal Dr. Nick Mohindra. Anche in Italia è possibile essere sottoposti al trattamento con ORALIFT, sia a Roma, sia in altre città. ORALIFT, consente un ringiovanimento facciale stabile e soprattutto senza chirurgia.
Qui troverete una piccola rassegna di notizie e foto prese in rete, e casi clinici trattati con ORALIFT, dal Dr. Mohindra a Londra e da me a Roma . Per qualsiasi spiegazione il mio contatto e-mail è:


Vivere in Armonia significa vivere in Salute. Cercare di avere un aspetto armonioso senza ricorrere al bisturi, o ad altre metodiche invasive è possibile. Sfruttare le capacità di autoguarigione per rallentare il processo di invecchiamento. In tal senso agisce ORALIFT, un metodo creato a Londra dal Dr. Nick Mohindra ed esportato in tutto il mondo, infatti è possibile sottoporsi al trattamento di ringiovanimento ed anti aging facciale ORALIFT anche a Roma,
Dr. Massimo Malara

martedì 19 gennaio 2010

Myfacemybody, parla di Oralift.

“The Secret Signs Of Ageing: The ‘Ageing-Triangle’”The answer to natural youthful looks lies in the shape of your face – maintaining the ageing triangle without surgery.

Ageing is a process women and men are in constant battle with; combating crows feet, sagging jowls and wrinkly foreheads can be a tiresome and pricey procedure, often bringing few visible results for people who refuse to go under the knife. Now Dr Nick Mohindra, has pioneered a non-invasive device to address the shape of the face and combat the signs of aging – Oralift.

“As we grow older the lower facial height (the area between the nose and chin) of your face tends to decrease. This loss of facial height is a major contributor to facial ageing as the skin around the face and neck sags and the signs of facial ageing become exaggerated.

We think of the face in terms of a triangle. In youth the base of the triangle is at the cheeks and the point is at the chin. As we get older the triangle reverses. The formation of the jowls means that the base of the triangle is now at the chin and the tip goes upwards towards the nose.”

Until now, it was impossible to combat the change in the ageing triangle without cosmetic surgery. Oralift is a new device that has been developed to address and reverse the ageing triangle without invasive surgery.
Oralift is worn in the mouth for a couple of hours every two to three days. It works by creating a larger freeway space between the upper and lower jaws, redefining muscles that alter to allow the jaw to rest in a new position – reversing the ageing triangle as shown above.

Dr Rita Kappel, a cosmetic surgeon, discovered Oralift’s non-invasive anti-ageing properties for herself. She feels it heralds a new phase in anti-ageing, commenting on Oralift’s innovative nature:
“The ageing triangle is the result of the gradual diminishing of the bone-height between forehead and chin as we age. Oralift increases this height again by opening the freeway space. The skin that was becoming redundant as the height of the face was diminishing, causing deep skin folds next to the mouth and at the mandible, is now being stretched again as the oval form reappears. The boxy form at the jaw line is corrected and the wrinkles become less deep.”

Most patients using Oralift report additional benefits including:

• Reduced lines around the mouth, eyes and face
• Reduced bags under the eyes
• Increased fullness of the lips
• More prominent cheekbones
• Tightened and strengthened facial muscles
• Improved complexion and hair quality
• Strengthening and firming of the jaw line and neck
• Closed and repaired pores

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