Questo sito è dedicato ad ORALIFT, Facial Rejuvenation, lo straordinario metodo di ringiovanimento facciale senza chirurgia, ideato dal Dr. Nick Mohindra. Anche in Italia è possibile essere sottoposti al trattamento con ORALIFT, sia a Roma, sia in altre città. ORALIFT, consente un ringiovanimento facciale stabile e soprattutto senza chirurgia.
Qui troverete una piccola rassegna di notizie e foto prese in rete, e casi clinici trattati con ORALIFT, dal Dr. Mohindra a Londra e da me a Roma . Per qualsiasi spiegazione il mio contatto e-mail è:


Vivere in Armonia significa vivere in Salute. Cercare di avere un aspetto armonioso senza ricorrere al bisturi, o ad altre metodiche invasive è possibile. Sfruttare le capacità di autoguarigione per rallentare il processo di invecchiamento. In tal senso agisce ORALIFT, un metodo creato a Londra dal Dr. Nick Mohindra ed esportato in tutto il mondo, infatti è possibile sottoporsi al trattamento di ringiovanimento ed anti aging facciale ORALIFT anche a Roma,
Dr. Massimo Malara

martedì 22 dicembre 2009

Un profilo del Dr. Nick Mohindra, il dentista inglese che ha sviluppato Oralift

Dr Nick Mohindra

After qualifying from Edinburgh, Nick Mohindra gained experience as an associate in London before becoming principal of general practices in South Wales and Kent, where he was a VT trainer for ten years. Nick’s interest in treating patients with facial pain led to his theory that lower facial height could be increased by much more than advocated in text books. This had the effect of patients looking much younger. His first research paper with Dr. David Davis from King’s was published in the BDJ in 1996, and inspired Nick to move away from general practice to focus on facial rejuvenation through dentistry.

Nick established Added Dimension Dentistry in Wimpole Street in 1999, initially treating just denture patients but later extended his work to treat patients with their own teeth. Nick called his rejuvenation technique “The Dentalfacelift” . His second research paper concluded that patients whose lower facial height had been increased looked between 5 and 20 years younger.

Nick has lectured extensively to both postgraduate groups and conferences (World Aesthetic Conference, London anti ageing Conference, University of Florence).

His most recent work has been the development of the Oralift appliances for which patents have been granted. Oralift seems to reverse the signs of facial ageing and slow down the ageing process on the face without the need for surgery. Nick is hoping that a University will agree to do clinical trials on the effects of using Oralift.

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